President of IAE


Boris Vladimirovich,

the President of the International and Russian Academies of Engineering, PhD, professor,
a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Science, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, the USSR and Russian Government Award Laureate, Five-time laureate of the Russian Government Award in Sciences and Education, Editor-In-Chief of Electronic Edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction:
A Scientific Internet-Journal»

Boris Vladimirovich Gusev was born on the 13th of May, 1936 in Ryazan Oblast, in the Shilovo village. He finished the Tyrnovsk seven-year school and at the age of 15 began attending the Ryazan Railroad Technical College. After graduating from college cum laude, he went on to the Moscow State University of Railroad Engineering. Being an excellent student, he was sent as an exchange student to Poland to finish his studies at the Warsaw University of Technology. In 1961, after completing his Master’s thesis, he received his Master of Railroad Engineering Degree.

Mr. Gusev began his career at the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport as an engineer, later – as the Chief Engineer of the Capital Construction Department and a lecture assistant. In 1964, B. V. Gusev went on to his graduate studies at the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Rail Transport and after two years he defended his PhD thesis on the mechanics of soil, bases and foundations. His works were well recognized at International Conferences on Rocks in Kazakhstan and Portugal.

In 1970, B. V. Gusev became the head of the Construction Materials Department at the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Rail Transport. Mr. Gusev had to start everything from scratch, creating a laboratory and gathering a new young team of researchers. The research began at the Dnipropetrovsk house construction combine, improving the quality of reinforced concrete structures for housing construction, as well as at the Stroydetal factory, which manufactured reinforced concrete pipes.

Working at the precast reinforced concrete factory allowed to organize contractual scientific research laboratory «Concrete Technology», where scientific research of concrete durability and vibration compaction processes. Vibration compaction processes were studied using Vibration Electrodynamic Stand (VEDS – 100B). In the process, a new concept of using low frequencies of 15–25 Hz, instead of the traditional 50 – 100 Hz was formulated. A series of new phenomena were discovered and patented (shock-vibration effects, process management of the «concrete mix – vibro-organ» interaction and others). The research results were published in several technological journals of Moscow and Kiev. This allowed the group of authors to gain recognition, to begin publishing the Department’s works, and to keep on working on the laboratory employee’s dissertations.

The work of both the lab and the Department were rewarded, and B. V. Gusev was invited to work for Glavmospromstroymaterialy (city of Moscow) at a production of about 5 million m3 of reinforced concrete. In 1973, Mr. Gusev was appointed as the deputy director of science at the Construction and Technology Bureau in Mosgorstroymaterialy – the leading technological organization in the system at the time. The system of organizations was an equivalent of a ministry, and this one in particular was responsible for construction in Moscow, as well as for the production of all kinds of construction materials, such as concrete, reinforced concrete, non-ore materials, ceramics, glass, wood processing, synthetic and other materials. The development of science and new technologies was passed on to the Construction and Technology Bureau.

In 1975, the organization was given a serious task of construction for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. It was a complex of sports and transport structures, an Olympic village and other various structures. However, besides the construction for the Moscow Olympics, other types of activities kept on taking place, such as:

– producing new types of structures and developing new technologies of their manufacturing;

– building new residential quarters;

– constructing unique buildings and structures, contributing to Moscow architecture

 In 1979, the employees of Glavmospromstroymaterialy, including B. V. Gusev, were awarded the USSR Government Award «For the development and implementation of new precast reinforced concrete structures manufacturing methods in the enterprises of the construction industry of Moscow», and in 1986 Mr. Gusev presented his doctoral thesis on the «Theory and Practice of Compacting Concrete Mixtures at Low-frequency Vibration Modes».

By the end of 1980, he was the head of the «Improving Manufacturing Technologies of Precast Reinforced Concrete» laboratory at the Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Research Institute (part of the USSR Gosstroy). The research at the Institute was aimed at elevating the technological level of the whole industry in the USSR. The lab also formulated the reinforced precast concrete industry goals for 1981-1990. The main goals were the following:

– new processes of preparing concrete mixtures, accounting for mechanical and chemical activation of cement suspensions, including cavitation plants;

– efficient technologies and tools for creating the products, including the usage of shock-vibration modes;

– wide application of chemical additives (plasticizers and hardening catalysts), as well as mineral additives in effective activation processes;

– creation of highly mechanized and automated technologies of mass nomenclature production and others.

V. Gusev lead one of the most significant concrete and reinforced concrete development programs in the USSR and Russia, which became an example to follow for industrial science. His works in the fields of wave compaction technologies, composite materials durability theory, concrete and reinforced concrete corrosion theories, activation and grinding of emulsions and suspensions, creating automated production lines of precast reinforced concrete are widely known.

In 1994, Mr. Gusev founded and was appointed as Director General of the National Scientific Research Center «Construction» composed of 3 scientific research institutes (Central Scientific Research Institute of Buildings and Structures, Scientific Research Institute of Conrete and Reinforced Concrete,  Scientific Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Construction and the Experimental Mechanic Tools Factory – for a total of 1.5 thousand employees).

In 1990, B. V. Gusev was appointed as the USSR Engineering Academy President, and after the collapse of the USSR he became the head of the International and Russian Engineering Academies. During its more than 25 years of functioning, the International and Russian Engineering Acadmies have become significant centers of engeneering thought.

V. Gusev is a prominent scientist and an administrator of science, education and enlightenment. He wrote 40 books published in English, Georgian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and other languages, as well as over 800 scinetific articles. He is a notable inventor with over 130 patents to his inventions.

The following of his books should be noted:

  1. Bashmako Y.I., Gusev B.V., Zazimko V.G., Osipov B.A. The Experience of Producing Vibro-hydropressured Pressure Pipes, Kiev, “The Builder”, 1973, 94 p.
  2. Gusev B.V, Deminov A.D., Krukov B.I., Litvin L.M., Logvinenko Е.А Shock-Vibration Technology of Concrete Mixtures Compacting. Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1982, 150 p.
  3. М.Bołtryk, Gusev Technology of Precast Concrete Formation. Poland, Byalistok University of Technology, 1990, 207 p.
  4. Gusev B.V, Zazimko V.G. Concrete Vibration Technology. Kiev, The Builder, 1991, 158 p.
  5. Gusev B.V. et al. The development of Engineering in Moscow. Historic Essays. Мoscow. 1998, 458 p. (edited by B.V. Gusev).
  6. Gusev B.V., Kondrashenko V.I., Maslov B.P., Faivusovich A.S. Structure Formation of Composite Materials and Their Properties. Moscow, Scientific World, 2006, 560 p., (edited by B.V. Gusev).
  7. Gusev. Strength and durability of concrete as composite material (theory). Moscow, 2014, 42 p.
  8. Gusev Automatic Technological lines for production of  precast concrete. 2 nd Enlarged edition. Izhevsk, КIT, 2015, 72 р.
  9. Gusev “Development of prefabricated reinforced concrete industry in the Soviet Union (1981-1990)” (technological platform). 2 nd Enlarged edition. Izhevsk, КIT, 2015, 143 р.
  10. Gusev Advanced technologies in precast concrete manufacture. 2-nd Enlarged edition, Izhevsk, 2015, 187 p.
  11. Gusev B.V. Promising Technologies In Precast Reinforced Concrete Production. 2nd Izhevsk, 2015, 205 p.

Professor B.V. Gusev created three science schools: one in Dnipropetrovsk and two in Moscow. The school in Dnipropetrovsk is at the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Rail Transport, the schools in Moscow are at the Scientific Research institute of concrete and Reinforced concrete (USSR Gosstroy) and at the Moscow State University of Railroad Engineering. Over 90 people defended their PhD theses under his scientific mentorship.

Mr. Gusev’s work is rewarded by the USSR and Russian State Awards, 5 Russian Government Awards, as well as other prestigious government awards from The Soviet Union, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, and Ukraine, including many industrial and civilian awards from these countries.
