International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM)
RILEM is international professional organization. It was founded in June 1947 with the aim of promotion scientific cooperation in the development of modern research methods in the area of construction materials. RILEM headquarters are traditionally based in Paris.
Today the RILEM activity covers over 70 countries. Its mission is being implemented through cooperation of the leading in construction practice specialists-experts, as well as scientific, academic, research, test laboratories, big contractors, investors, and official organizations. The mission is being promoted by the creation of regional groups which are to provide distribution of knowledge and experience of RILEM in the regions of the world, making all efforts to exclude language barriers, and to contribute to involvement to RILEM work of large number of specialists and experts of the region.
RILEM Technical Committees have developed over 160 recommendations. Many of them are being widely used in research, in construction practice and are used by international organizations for standardizing as the basis of their work. Science-technical reports prepared in technical committees, are critical estimate of the current knowledge on specific subjects of research. They often fill scientific gaps, at the same time predetermining the development of strategy and scenario of further development.
Constant committee RILEM on teaching EAC supports teaching programs of RILEM worldwide. Since its foundation RILEM holds symposia and workshops; over 100 report proceedings were published after these events. RILEM website provides free access to most RILEM publications, assists to spreading of knowledge and increase of “visibility” of organization in the world.
RILEM technical committees work according to their plans under supervision of Technical Advisory Committee, Bureau, and General Secretariat. As a rule, term of their functioning is from 3 to 5 years. At the same time, from 30 to 40 technical committees operate.
The international community remembers a major role of outstanding Soviet scientists.
B.G. Skramtaev, S.A. Mironov, K.D. Nekrasov in the establishing of this organization, active work of B.A. Krylov and A.V. Lagoyda in the Committee on winter construction.
N.A. Moshchansky and V.V. Paturoev in the Committee on polymer concretes,
merits of S.N. Alexeyev and N.K. Rozental in the development of research methods of reinforcement state in reinforced concrete. In 1966 in Moscow, RILEM Congress was held on winter construction, in 1993, Congress on polymer concretes. In 2005, in Moscow, 59th RILEM Assembly took place, over 650 participants from Russia and abroad took part in its work. This also emphasized a major role of Russia in the development of construction science, and success, achieved in construction complex of the country for the past years.
Russian specialists prepared a range of RILEM guidance documents on heat-resistant concretes, on winter concreting, on corrosion protection. Their cooperation with foreign colleagues resulted in creation of unified (single) classification and terminology on polymer concretes, as well as a range of Russian-French-English terminological dictionaries.
In 2014, the International Academy of Engineering and RILEM signed International Partnership Agreement
Agreement between IAE and RILEM>>